Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010


Having arrived in Sydney we went to Bondi Junktion to meet our friends from school and to watch a movie with them. We parked our car in a car park, knowing it was going to be quite expensive...

When we went to our car after the movie and dinner we had to find the car park already closed (it wasn't supposed to be opened on a sunday but as it was it had only opened until 6 instead of 8). Even our desperate phone calls to the company that owned the carpark didn't help us. Our camper was locked in.

Luckily we were still with our friends and we could sleep in their accomodation. They are couch surfing and they left us their bed for the night and slept knightly on the couch or in Marco's car.

On the next day we went to get our camper back. After having told our story to the carpark keeper he let us off without paying for our stay.

We went to explore a little the city around "the Rocks".

Their was a small market and we slendered there and watched the stock.
After that we walked over the Harbour Bridge and enjoyed the view over the opera house.

Today we went to the city by public transportation. This took us a little bit longer, but was more practical as we didn't have to park our car.

We walked trough the city and the botanical garden.

Where is Oli?
View from the botanial garden

Tomorrow we will visit the zoo.

4 Kommentare:

Mami hat gesagt…

Glück im Unglück gehabt, gute Freunde sind halt schon was Wert. Wo ist eigentlich die Sonne auf eurer Reise??? Ich habe gehört, dass bei dein Überschwemmungen im Norden die Krokodils die Städte unsicher machten und die Leute nicht mehr aus den Häusern konnten. Besser ihr seid schon in Sidney. Hoffentlich bessert das Wetter, damit ihr einen schönen Silvester feiern könnt.
Liebe Grüsse, Mami

Felix hat gesagt…

Yes, I found Oli! He's playing caveman (She's collecting - I'm hunting). But now he's sleeping.

Carmen hat gesagt…

Oh, I loved The Rocks, but when I was there the weather was much more beautiful. What the hell did you do to the weahter? It looks FREEZING!

Chris and me were in the zoo yesterday as well to watch the penguin parade. But it was more of a "human parade" than anything else and on top of it: FREEZING! So we didn't stay too long :)

And now I have to study plants it's totally driving me crazy -.-

Love and Happy New Year :D

Ursula hat gesagt…

Liebe Florence, lieber Oliver

Ihr steht kurz vor dem Jahreswechsel, da ihr unserer Zeit voraus seid.

Wir hoffen, dass ihr bei gutem Wetter ein tolles, unvergessliches Feuerwerk im Hafen von Sydney erleben könnt.

Wir wünschen euch einen guten Rutsch, viele schöne Erlebnisse und Eindrücke auf eurer Weiterreise und vor allem beste Gesundheit.

Herzliche Grüse
Gotti und Götti