Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010

It's my Birthday!!!

This morning I woke up, and was 25 Years old. (some grey hairs but I'm still going fine... ;-) )

My day started pretty cool! I woke up and opened my presents :-D
I got a T-Shirt and a Travelbug from Flo, Money and heaps of chocolate from the family in Switzerland and a wonderful book, with pictures and short messages from my friends in Noosa.
Thanks to everybody!
My new favorite shirt: It's going to be LEGEN - wait for it DARY

We used the day to go into the outlet stores around Surfers Paradise and as well to discover the city itself (with our new GPS).

But we spent also some time relaxing in a beautiful park.

So we gathered enough energy for the one task that was still waiting for us...

We ate a "Legendary 10 oz Burger" in the Hard Rock Café Surfers Paradise. Those who know me well, understand that this was the perfect finish for this day!

For those who know me even better: Yes, I made a very important decision today. And I am pretty sure, that I took the right one (but of course I will not tell it here in the Internet... I'll tell it to you when I'm back in Switzerland ;-) ).

6 Kommentare:

Carmen hat gesagt…

Chris will kill you for having such a T-Shirt xD Where did you find it? When you find one, bring one back for me so I can give it to Chris, please? :D

If you're talking about what I think you're talking about...

The burger looks awesome, I'm hungry as hell :(

Kisses from freezing Zurich, it's actually -5°C and it will stay like that for the rest of the week. Isn't it just nice? -.-

Mami hat gesagt…

Liebe Oliver
Mir wünschet dir nomal alles Liebi zum Gebi. Mir, de Papi und ich, händ hüt zu diiner Ehr en Rimuss killt und de Felix hät en feine Znacht kochet. So hämmer halt elei diin Gebi gfiiret. De Burger gseht ja würkli riisig us. Aber irgendwie han i gmeint ich känni dich ja scho lang, aber ????
Hüt häts bi euis wiider gschneit und es isch grüüüselig chalt. Drum gnüsset dWärmi und de Sunneschi.
Liebi Grüess, Mami

Felix hat gesagt…

Dear Floli's

Yes, this burger looks great. Gaby is somehow crazy 'cause Oliver made not a really helpful comment about the "right decision". Women are so full of curiosity...
I just guessed and I told Gaby about the content of Olivers decision. It's very simple: ...no, no. Neither I do reveal it on this blog. But I'm sure it's gona be LEGEN - wait for it DARY!

Schwöschterli hat gesagt…

Oli, you got the coolest T-shirt! The peace pavillon looks quite comfy too. And that burger! Did you eat all of it? I'm glad you spent a nice birthday. And a warm one, for a change.

Carmen, couldn't you have a T-shirt printed for Chris? Then you could even choose the colours and all.

Thinking of you in freezing snowy wheater. (Even though it's quite frightful, we have no delightful fire! :-( )

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hey Oli

War cool dich wieder mal zu hören ... wenn auch etwas verzögert :-)

Nehme mal an, dass dein "Rätsel" nur für ex-W4e-ler klar ist... ? ;-)
Ist mir leider eben erst nach dem Telefonat in den Sinn gekommen dich danach zu fragen ;-)

Bis bald, Take Care

Carmen hat gesagt…

Of course, Carmen could have one printed here in Zurich. She just didn't think of it by herself, Gotti had to tell her xD

Hope you're enjoying the Gold Cost, I LOOOOOOOOOVED Surfer's Paradise :D