Sonntag, 28. November 2010

A weekend at "Brini's Mansion"

Again we had a very nice week, which passed way to quickly...

On Tuesday we had plans with Sabrina and Marco for eating a pizza and a Jass-evening afterwards. To shorten the time before we could eat dinner at the eagle boys (you get a really good pizza for 6 dollars every thuesday...) we went to the Lagoona lookout in Noosa, from where you can overlook the Noosa River and Noosa Heads.

Because our time here in Noosa will soon be over, everybody (us included) seems to be trying to enjoy the remaining days as much as possible. That's why our week seems to be loaded with socialising events. On Wednesday we went again to one of this housepartys you usually only see in amarican Teenie-Movies...

On the weekend, we went to Sabrina whose homestay parents were away. The house in which she lives is really big and has a nice balcony with lounge sofas on every floor. We cooked there for dinner (Friday we made a curry and on Saturday Oli made a Polenta, while Flo baked us both times delicious Muffins) and enjoyed the warm evenings on the balkony.

It looks a little bit like two angels in Heaven ;-)
We had heaps of fun and were all a little sad, when the weekend was over.

Nina and Sandro at Brini's Mansion
Tomorrow starts our exam session with our oral exams. They will be over for both of us by lunch time. So we'll probably spend the rest of our day on the beach! :-D

4 Kommentare:

Schwöschterli hat gesagt…

Ooooooh, good luck with your exams! We'll keep our fingers crossed!

Gaby hat gesagt…

Jetzt sind Prüefige scho verbi, gnüssets am Schtand und erholet eui guet. Denn wünsch ich eui no alles gueti für die schriftliche Prüefige. Sind die nächscht Wuche? Das isch ja würkli e riisigi Wohnig. Bi euis schneits und schneits... da chunnt so richtigi Wiehnachtsschtimmig uf. HP7 isch im fall cool gsi. Liebi Grüess Mami

Carmen hat gesagt…

Jaaaaaaaaaaa, HP7 isch HAMMER gsi :D Hihi, s Gotti isch fast vom Stuehl gheit wo'd Schlange us dä Bathilda usecho isch :P
Huiui, dä Flo ihri Haar sind dänn churz! Oder gseht das nur so us uf dem Foti...?
Wie sind euchi oral exams gsi? :)

mampa hat gesagt…

bonne chance pour les épreuves, mais je vous fais confiance, ça ne devrait pas être un problème pour vous, mais je croise aussi les doigts ou plutot, je vous tiens les pouces!
Ta coiffure ma Flofli te va bien, mais j'aimerais voir des photos où on la voit mieux, on sait pas s'ils sonts courts ou seulement tirés en arrière?
tendres bisous