Montag, 27. September 2010

Sunday, after a rather improvised breackfast (toast was running out and we had to rationate), we cleaned the house for Kirsty and Phil. They returned later in the afternoon with Phil's Parents and they probably wanted the house to be a little cleaner. After that we had homework on and we were visited by this little fellow:

Today it was, despite to the bad weatherforecast, sunny and pretty hot. So we went after school for a refreshing swim in the Pool (one of the four pools). Although it is now school holiday in Australia, we were the only one at this pool.

Part of our Homework today is to watch an australian soap for a week. This should improve our listening, but we really believe that watching TV-Soaps can't be any good (especially if the simpsons are not counted as a soap...). But in the end we still ended up in front of the TV watching "Neighbors".

3 Kommentare:

The Plant-Hater hat gesagt…

What do you mean Simpsons doesn't count? XD But there are probably still enough soaps on every evening :P
My week passed by pretty fast as well xD I don't know if you actually care about it, but I'm really bored and I really do not want to read 10 pages about the anatomy of higher plants -.- Well well...
I still don't have to go to any physics or biochemical practicas (thank god) so my week is still no as full as it will be. Damn.

So I'd rather go and read my plants as long as I still have time for it.
See you!

Felix hat gesagt…

Mami hat auf ZDF eine neue Soap geguckt... Dance Academy. Diese komme aus Australien. Es kommt nun anstelle von H20. Vielleicht könnt ihr diese auch gucken...?
Da ist es aber sehr schön, wo ihr Hausaufgaben lösen könnt...
Dann müsst ihr halt nochmals putzen, z.B. am nächsten Samstag.
Coole Fotos, wir freuen uns immer, die Fotos zu sehen.
Viele Grüsse

Helena hat gesagt…

Hey ihr! (ich schrieb ez mal uf schwiizerdütsch :) )
Gseht ja uu cool us bi euch und tönt au sehr interessant! Demfall sinders richtig am gnüsse (isch ja au richtig so :-) und @oli: für was bruchsch du ez law-books?!? ;) ).

ganz liebi grüess us dä schwiiz & wiiterhin ganz ä lässigi ziit!